Save The Date: October 18 & 19, 2019

Save The Date 2019

Come join us in Calgary on October 18 and 19, 2019, for the second TGC Prairies Regional Conference!

The theme this year is "The Care of Souls." While more information, including registration and schedule information, will be released soon, here are introductions to our two keynote speakers:

Lee Lewis
Lee and his family live in Austin, Texas, where he is Pastor of Soul Care Ministries at Radiant Church while also serving as a consultant for Soul Care Consulting. The previous three years were spent in Canada where Lee was the Pastor of Biblical Soul Care for Harvest Bible Chapel in Muskoka. During that time he also served in a directing/consulting role for a network of church plants in Ontario. He previously served as a pastor at The Village Church for nearly 10 years and is a member of the Association of Biblical Counselors. Lee is married to Andrea, and they have four children, Luke, Abel, Leah, and Miriam.

Here is a recent article he wrote on the influence that David Powlison had on his life:

Stephen Yuille
Dr. Yuille formerly served as the preaching pastor at Grace Community Church in Glen Rose, Texas. Recently he moved back to Canada and now serves as the Vice President of Academics and Academic Dean and Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario. He also serves as an Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has over twenty years of ministry experience, including serving as a missionary to Portugal. He has published an extensive list of journals articles and books. He has written especially in the area of Puritan studies, and is the volume editor of two volumes in the new critical edition of the works of the William Perkins from Reformation Heritage Books. His works include William Perkins: The Father of Puritanism; Puritan Spirituality: The Fear of God in the Affective Theology of George Swinnock; Looking unto Jesus: The Christ-Centered Piety of Seventeenth-Century Baptists; A Hope Deferred: The Blessings of Adoption; and The Inner Sanctum of Puritan Piety: John Flavel’s Doctrine of Mystical Union with Christ.

Here's an article by Dr. Yuille on how the Puritans have shaped his ministry.

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