When does TGC Prairies hold meetings?
The Gospel Coalition Canada's Prairies Regional Chapter holds monthly fellowship meetings in Calgary, Alberta for pastors, elders, and others in vocational Christian ministry. Arrangements can be made for pastors in other parts of our region to join these meetings by videoconference. We hope to see such fellowship meetings established in other cities and provinces in our region as God grants us growth.
We hold a regional conference every two years in the fall.
When is the next meeting?
Please check our Events page for details on upcoming pastors' gatherings and conferences.
How do I know if this group is for me?
Affiliation with the TGC Prairies Regional Chapter is open to pastors and churches in our region who are in agreement with the Foundation Documents of The Gospel Coalition Canada, including the Confessional Statement and the Theological Vision for Ministry, and our Chapter Steering Committee parameters.
If you affirm the Foundational Documents and are currently serving in vocational ministry we would love to hear from you about attending our pastors' gathering. At a minimum, we would be happy to add you to our e-mail list (1-2 emails per month) to keep you informed of events.
Anyone is welcome to attend our regional conference events. We welcome Christians and non-Christians, men and women.
How do I connect with this group?
Churches whose doctrine and theological convictions are in full agreement with the Foundation Documents may include themselves on the TGC Church Directory, which serves both the Canadian and American TGC websites.